About us

Current Team


Maximilian Frank (TUM)

Koordinator des AK Mobilität


Johann Sergl (LMU)

Referent für Mobilität StuVe LMU


Lukas Strutz (TUM)

Referent für Mobilität SV TUM


Martin Keiser (TUM)

Referent für Mobilität SV TUM


Florian Heinritz (HM)

Referent für Mobilität StuVe HM


Konstantin Berghausen (TUM)




The AK

The committee for mobility (Arbeitskreis Mobilität) is formed by students of LMU, TUM and HM. It represents the interests of students concerning regional mobility.

Founded on December 6th of 2004 as Arbeitskreis Semesterticket at TUM, the committee is in contact with different groups: the university administration, the student union (Studentenwerk), two Bavarian ministries, the City of Munich and the student representations of LMU, TUM and HM. Since spring of 2005, we work together.

At regular meetings and per email the student representations collaborate successfully. Different from other federal states, there is no constituted student body (Verfasste Studierendenschaft), for which there are consults with the student union.


The committee goes for improvements in student’s mobility. On the one hand, there is the wish for better pricing which was achieved in first step by a semester transport pass in the MVV. This should be an advantage for most students. On the other hand, there is the optimization of connections in between campuses or the night lines.


In general, the situation in Munich is motivating, as the price levels are high and the city lacks the common semester transport pass. Furthermore, many students have to travel long ways and to bear resulting costs. Also the tuition fees have led to further deterioration.